Zoology News: In recent days, the Cerza Zoo in Hermival-les-Vaux (Calvados) near Lisieux hosted a white rhinoceros and its mother, who came from England.

For nearly three weeks, two white rhinos have arrived at Cerza Zoo in Hermival-les-Vaux (Calvados), near Lisieux: Mosi , born December 25, 2016 and a year and a half, and Manzi , his mother, 17 years old.
They joined in the African plain London zoo three rhinos already present: Chris (25 years), Sutu (19 years) and Beth (17 years).
A time of adaptation
Coming from South Lake in England , they first spent a few isolated days in “La maison”, in the shelter, so that they could reassure themselves and “become familiar with the place”, explains Aurélie Nothias-Talansier , member of the Cerza pedagogical service: “We always prefer to go slowly”, with species that can be dangerous, with their imposing size.
Once accustomed to the mild climate of Normandy and their new environment, Mosi and Manzi were able to meet the other three rhinos:
They were first put in contact with the two females of the group in the plain to get to know each other. They have been accepted. “
The first outings with Chris and his big character were a bit more complicated, each one testing the others. but, “a life of group settles down” reassures Aurélie Nothias-Talansier.
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